
西安交通大学课程资料共享计划 是由一位 2016 级的校友于他大三时启动的项目,该项目在 gitee 上也有镜像 gitee.com/cantjie/XJTU-Share
但是可能由于种种原因,该项目的绝大多数 commit 都是三四年前的事情了,考虑到时效性,我想在这里再宣传该项目,呼吁大家可以重新沿用该项目。

The free software movement is basically a movement for freedom. It’s based on values that are not purely material and practical. It’s based on the idea that freedom is a benefit in itself. And that being allowed to be part of a community is a benefit in itself, having neighbors who can help you, who are free to help you—they are not told that they are pirates if they help you—is a benefit in itself, and that that’s even more important than how powerful and reliable your software is.


  • 决定是否要选择一门课程时,课程名字只能提供很少的信息,向学长学姐打听又不是那么的方便。
  • 上完一门课才恍然领悟的技巧,原来这门课重点如此,当初本可以更轻松地完成得更好……
  • 上完一门课时,在上这门课期间收集到的资料往往存在一块硬盘上后就再也没有打开过,留给后来者的往往只是少数人的口口相传。




gitee 提醒我要升级企业版才能从 github 一键同步,我有点懒得搞同步了,优先用 github 吧。

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国内互联网服务 very hilarious,听说这个 gitee 要实名认证,是不是还要先审核才能 new repo / git push,属实是抄都抄不好。

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