看着论坛上各位巨佬,感觉自己一事无成。gpa 面板不好看,实习也没去过,科研也没有,但是我又希望能把这些东西都搞得漂亮一点。我天性挺摆的,以前有过要卷的想法,但总是一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭,稍微卷了一段时间就继续摆烂了。我真的很想不这么失败,到底有什么办法可以逼自己卷一点?
我觉得最实用的是去拓宽眼界,其实混个毕业证去三线以下躺平很简单,但你要去看看那些卷赢了的人去到的更好的学校,更棒的平台,厉害的科研成果,大厂的 offer 甚至肉身翻墙。看到了,羡慕了就会有卷的动力。如果看到了觉得这种生活不是自己想要的,那也可以顺理成章的摆
与其卷,不如看看 Russell 的 The Road to Happiness
看了《The Road to Happiness》一文,颇有道理。
People who have theories as to how one should live tend to forget the limitations of nature. If your way of life involves constant restraint of impulse for the sake of some one supreme aim that you have set yourself, it is likely that the aim will become increasingly distasteful because of the efforts that it demands; impulse, denied its normal outlets, will find others, probably in spite; pleasure, if you allow yourself any at all, will be dissociated from the main current of your life, and will become Bacchic and frivolous. Such pleasure brings no happiness, but only a deeper despair.
People propose to themselves some one paramount objective, and restrain all impulses that do not minister to it. A businessman may be so anxious to grow rich that to this end he sacrifices health and the private affections. When at last he has become rich, no pleasure remains to him except harrying other people by exhortations to imitate his noble example. Many rich ladies, although nature has not endowed them with any spontaneous pleasure in literature or art, decide to be thought cultured, and spend boring hours learning the right thing to say about fashionable new books. It does not occur to them that books are written to give delight, not to afford opportunities for a dusty snobbism.
It is impossible to be happy without activity, but it is also impossible to be happy if the activity is excessive or of a repulsive kind. Activity is agreeable when it is directed very obviously to a desired end and is not in itself contrary to impulse. A dog will pursue rabbits to the point of complete exhaustion and be happy all the time, but if you put the dog on a treadmill and gave him a good dinner after half an hour, he would not be happy till he got the dinner, because he would not have been engaged in a natural activity meanwhile. One of the difficulties of our time is that, in a complex modern society, few of the things that have to be done have the naturalness of hunting. The consequence is that most people, in a technically advanced community, have to find their happiness outside the work by which they make their living. And if their work is exhausting their pleasures will tend to be passive. Watching a football match or going to the cinema leaves little satisfaction afterward, and does not in any degree gratify creative impulses. The satisfaction of the players, who are active, is of quite a different order.
The wish to be respected by neighbors and the fear of being despised by them drive men and women (especially women) into ways of behavior which are not prompted by any spontaneous impulse. The person who is always “correct” is always bored, or almost always. It is heartrending to watch mothers teaching their children to curb their joy of life and become sedate puppets, lest they should be thought to belong to a lower social class than that to which their parents aspire.
The pursuit of social success, in the form of prestige or power or both, is the most important obstacle to happiness in a competitive society. I am not denying that success is an ingredient in happiness to some, a very important ingredient. But it does not, by itself, suffice to satisfy most people. You may be rich and admired, but if you have no friends, no interests, no spontaneous useless pleasures, you will be miserable. Living for social success is one form of living by a theory, and all living by theory is dusty and desiccating.
@AIBot translate the paragraphs to Chinese
Note: The above translation is provided by the AI, and there may be slight errors or variations in the translation.
那不是都说上了大学就自由了吗,讲道理,要是知道上大学还得玩命学,我猜 99% 的人会直接崩溃吧,那种生活和工厂的猴子也没啥区别了。。。